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Discover Our Vision

We’re building awesome co-owned DIY villages that balance affordability, freedom, and community!

We have two prototypes in progress, and want to promote more like ours. These co-op villages are owned and governed by you, for you, and with vetted like-minded neighbors. This is a new foundation for us to build a life upon, for us to thrive, together!

Co-Ownership Starting at 5,000$

Now with 2 locations!

How it works

When you buy in, you receive a personal nook and access to all community spaces, which will include gardening spaces, a kitchen, bathroom, living room, shower, water, workout and yoga spaces.


We’re asking only $2/sqft ($1 for your nook, and $1 for the community space)!* 

Choose from three different sizes: 

  • 2,500 sqft nook for $5000

  • 5,000 sqft nook for $10,000 

  • 7,500 sqft nook for $15,000

If you’re a Van Lifer, like me, and want to buy into both our current winter and summer locations at once (our annual loop), that’s $4/sqft for pioneers (initial builders) and then $5/sqft+ for the villagers (coming in after initial build-up).

After your nook is paid off, there will be a small monthly due for upkeep and a rainy day fund! 

*We aim for this formula, costs per sqft may vary depending on investment costs.


Benefits: Build/Park what you like at your spot!  A membership of a GroundShare Co-op is a share of an asset that can make members income!  From Hipcamps/Airbnbs to growing crops, putting on retreats, the possibilities are endless!   

Q: Will I own my space legally?  Are you subdividing into small lots?  

A: Yes you will own it legally, but no it won’t be subdivided.  The entire property is owned by a Cooperative Limited Liability Company.  You’ll become a shareholder of that LLC, and in the legal paperwork your spot will be shown in a map of the property.

Payment Structure Options

  1. Newcomers can buy in with the full share purchase price up front.

  2. Newcomers can buy in gradually with rent-to-own for share purchase.

Those who have a fully paid share who want to leave or are asked to leave (only for seriously violating known agreements) can sell their share or partially-purchased share to a buyer the group is willing to accept. Those on rent-to-own plan will receive back the amount paid for share purchase, but they will not receive amounts agreed on as monthly rent for time on site. Those who stay and complete their purchase will have their rent amount applied fully toward share purchase, so long as they are members in good standing with the group.


To have a safe, thriving community we have to be discerning with who our neighbors and co-owners are!  This is our current formula to get to know you: First book an intro call or meeting in person so we can get to know each other.

Next, book a  1/week trial @$100/week

And Finally, Book a 3 Month trial

@ $280/month for a small nook

@ $300/month for a medium nook

@ $333/month for a large nook

After 3 months successfully living at the Village, you’ll be able to invest!

Tap Book Now to schedule a free intro call


Each investor gets one vote in group decisions, after their nook is paid in full, no matter the size of the nook. Each individual can only own one nook.  Everyone is welcome to do with their personal nook as they wish, as long as they are considerate to their neighbors, the community, and don’t put others in danger. Those who can’t play nice with others will be in violation of our terms of service and will be given warnings, asked to leave, and forcibly ejected if necessary. If nooks are paid off in full, shares can be resold to others, as long as those new buyers pass the vetting process as well. If nooks are not yet paid off, the leaving or ejected member will receive back the portion of payment agreed upon for gradual share purchase, that was not considered rent.


Q: What if a co-owner acts violently, abusively or becomes a danger to the community?

A: Our bylaws have clauses that protect the community from violence, toxic behaviors.  We will not tolerate those behaviors or any other behavior that violates the respect & safety of our members, neighbors, the land or personal property.  Violence will be met with immediate removal from the community, members may or may not be refunded for their membership share.  Everything else we will do our best to work with people going through hard times and bring them back into peaceful alignment with the community.

Groundshare currently has 2 properties!


Community bathroom & Shower

Community washer

Kitchen/Living Room Tent

Oak woodland, seasonal creeks, bordering the beautiful Sacramento River Trail, 10 minutes to town

Located 1 hour from Mt Shasta, CA 3 hour 20 min to SF



Well water

Washing Machine

Community Kitchen

Communal Gathering structure

Storage Tent

Lots of trees,seasonal creek,

10 minutes to Cave Junction 

Thousands of Acres of BLM+National Forest nearby

Located 30 min to Grants Pass,OR and 1 hr 20 to Crescent City, CA

Groundshare Redding

Our warm winter village

Groundshare Illinois valley

Minutes from the Scenic and Wild

Illinois River!


As we all began as a single cell, and then grew exponentially, that is our model for GroundShare Co-ops, until the demand is met for affordable, social housing.  Investors will receive a 14 day free trial visit at any GroundShare location, until those location’s Nooks are fully sold.  Then GroundShare splits and creates a new LLC, and is entirely governed by its residents*.  (*If it’s 100% ownership overlap for multiple locations, then multiple properties can be owned by one LLC).  We hope there will be great collaboration and cross pollination between Villages, but that’s their decision. 

How to get involved?

It’ll take all kinds of good people to make these Villages thrive!  If you’ve been blessed with resources: a good income, inheritance etc you can be a founder of your own GroundShare!  Via a mortgage/owner carry/ or buying land outright! GroundShare is happy to consult and offer advice! Click Book now to book a free Consultation on starting a GroundShare

 Or donate to GroundShare and we will put your gift to good use!  Those of us with more have the privilege to help lift others up!  And when we lift good people up, we recoup our investment and can continue to grow this movement! 

Those with skills, knowledge, abilities of all kinds!  Those who will show up and work with a good attitude!  We need you all! 

We hope to see you at a GroundShare location soon!

Book a Consultation call, or a visit to one of our villages here. We look forward to hearing from you!

If you have any questions please let us know here

We also offer short term stays to nomads passing through. Click here to book a short term stay

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